May 20, 2023

20230426 Botswana daily teaching the Word of God which is TRUTH

Teaching in Botswana... God loves the sinner, but hates the sin which is founded on a lie to kill, rob and destroy. Let's agree with God and lay down our vein imaginations for HIS Word is TRUE, and tested, and the Truth will set you free!

All Satan has to do is to get you to believe a lie, which will steal, rob and destroy you as you will be miserable, unhappy and eventually you will hate yourself and your life and you will destroy yourself and those around you. In contrast... The TRUTH is liberating and gives you freedom, hope, life and joy! It is worth seeking out. If you seek HIM, you WILL find Him, your Saviour and Creator of all, the very expression of LOVE, for he didn't buy you, pay for you or send another to redeem you! No, God came Himself to earth, for He is LOVE and no more LOVE does a man have than he lay down His life for another! Jesus Christ died for me so I may choose Him, be redeemed, and have eternal life! There is no other mediator, but ONE, the Lord Jesus Christ, who was promised as our Redeemer in the Old covenant, and fulfilled all so we may have a better covenant. 

This is not a RELIGION, a set of rules or a program, but a relationship, fellowship based on love, truth, trust, faithfulness, hope and because of His finished work, our response, faith in Him, for He is not a man that He can lie! Our faith is rooted in Him, that He is able, and faithful and truthful!

Who the Son sets free, is free indeed!


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